Old Testament Survey
Dates (Tuesdays): Starting February 7 (12 Weeks)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: LCMS Headquarters Conference Room,
4, Jalan Utara, 46200 P.J.
For more info email:
Rev. Chan Mun Kwan (Facilitator and Lecturer) at chanmk@tmlcweb.com
This objective of this course is
1.To familiarize the student with the general overview of the Old Testament
with special emphasis on how the books relate to each other to form a whole.
2. To equip the student to be able to teach this course in a local church context.
1.To familiarize the student with the general overview of the Old Testament
with special emphasis on how the books relate to each other to form a whole.
2. To equip the student to be able to teach this course in a local church context.